Monday, June 04, 2007

Movies and the like

xian wei WAS suppose to revive this thing but knowing him..

I hardly posted here in the past, heck, i didn't.

recognise him?

No, i'm not gloating over the fact that I've watched Pirates. At World's End did rock though. Despite what people say about the movie being too long, it was good. Actually, it was hillarious.

Jack Sparrow > ALL GUYS

I love this guy. He's so. versatile.

He's the only one that looks good in pirate clothes.

Watched Step Up today, Channing Tatum, wow.

Anyway, back to Johnny Depp,

"Hello sunshine, the earth says hello."

No offence to anyone but Charlie and the Chocolate Factory would have been so much better without the weird weird flashbacks.


Jack Sparrow > Willy Wonka

(even if he does own a chocolate factory)


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