Thursday, July 13, 2006

really really weird realtions

well here a shcker to all of us .every1 noe that me and jo have the same family name but no really xpects us to be related i mean dude we probly have to go back to the ching dynasty to find a common ancestor rite. wrong u see one fine day me and jo were tokkin about homework and she knew wat homework i was tinkin of and we went lyk family ties and then the conversation went on we found out we both have the same great grand uncle .u see her family come frim penang and so does mine .and wat are the odds that two lims were married or were the headmaster of some shit lyk that at the same time . well if this works out correct that means she is the great grand daughter of my great grand fathers cousin.i noe it confuses me at first but it means she is my cousin three times removed.another weird thing khai shings family is from penang but what are the odds of that?oh by the way if u all havent herad i been swimmin the past three weeks so that makes it abt 12 kilometers and now i have developed leg muscle. old weight 68KG current weight 66.5KG ideal weight 62-63 kg.

the real not so fat shady


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